THE TEMPEST, for Renaissance Now at the Chain Theatre, 36th Street in New York City. Prospero.
MACBETH, for Renaissance Now at Theatre Row, 42nd Street in New York City. I played Duncan the King, whose murder it's all about, and Siward, leader of the English forces who come to sort it all out.
KING LEAR, for Renaissance Now at the mouth of Provo Canyon in Utah. Title role.
BITTER LEMON, for the Creekside Festival. I played Macbeth, opposite Lady MacDuff. A two-player show.
THE TEMPEST, for Renaissance Now at the Salt Lake City Fringe Festival. I played Prospero.
TWELFTH NIGHT, for Renaissance Now at the Castle Theatre in Provo. I played that rascal Sir Toby Belch.
110 IN THE SHADE, at the Hale Center Theater in Orem, Utah. I played Audra McDonald's dad.
MAN OF LA MANCHA, at the Salt Lake Grand Theatre. I played the title role.
JANE EYRE, at the Alpine Playhouse. I played Rochester, who gets the girl (Jane).
THE KING AND I, at the Hale Centre Theatre, Salt Lake City. I played the King.
FUNNY GIRL, at Sundance Summer Theatre. I played the mean theatre owner who begins the show by firing Fanny Bryce.
J. GOLDEN!, in several Intermountain runs and a Caribbean appearance, a one-man show.
THE MYSTERY OF IRMA VEP, at Provo Theatre Company, a two-man show.
WEDLOCKED, various Intermountain runs, a two-player show.
PROPHET, the Utah premiere. I played a guitar-toting angel.
THE TRAIL OF DREAMS, lead role in 132 of the Utah performances.
PHANTOM, at the Salt Lake Grand Theatre. I played the title role.
SOUTH PACIFIC, at the Sundance Summer Theatre. I was Emile deBeque.
CELEBRATING THE LIGHT, at Promised Valley Playhouse in Salt Lake City. A lead.
GUYS AND DOLLS, at Sundance Summer Theatre. I was Sky Masterson.
THE FANTASTICKS, at Sundance. I played El Gallo.
SIDE BY SIDE BY SONDHEIM, at Sundance. I was one of the four players.
I DO! I DO!, at Sundance, a two-player show.
BIG RIVER, at Sundance Summer Theatre. I played the dangerous Pap Finn.
BABY, at Sundance. I played a principal in this ensemble piece.
SWEENEY TODD, with Opera West. I was Sweeney Todd.
IT'S MY LIFE. In this brief western tour, I played a principal role.
ANNIE, at Sundance Summer Theatre. I was Daddy Warbucks.
THE RUMMAGE SALE, an Intermountain run beginning at BYU. I played several principal roles.
SATURDAY'S WARROR, monster western states tours--the dad.
KING LEAR, at Park City Shakespeare Festival. I was the Earl of Gloucester.
THE PLANEMAKER, national tours and extended runs. Hundreds of performances. A one-man show.
CHARLIE'S MONUMENT, western states tour and extended runs, the title role.
(In Community Theatre, I have been the guest paid lead in SHENANDOAH, SOUTH PACIFIC, and MY FAIR LADY. I was a professional guest at Brigham Young University in COULD YOU LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN? and the world premieres of HANCOCK COUNTY, SOFT SHOE, and PRIDE AND PREJUDICE and volunteered along with the rest of the community as the lead in THE MUSIC MAN and THE SOUND OF MUSIC.)
NINJA KIDZ TV. An episode where I stop a berserk robot from destroying the neighborhood. How? A strong magnetic force to the neural processor, of course.
ON TOP OF THE WORLD, Imagine Dragons Video, worldwide. I play Richard Nixon.
TAKE THE MOUNTAIN DOWN, A FINGER-PICKIN' PARABLE, produced and broadcast internationally by BYU TV. I play the lead.
THE STORY OF ESTHER, for DVD release. I play her Cousin, who doesn't get hanged.
JOSEPH SMITH, for the Legacy Theatre in SLC. I play a fiend of the infernal pit.
FLY BOYS, for theatrical release. I play the pilot who's thrown out of the plane (from the sky).
HANCOCK COUNTY, for international cable broadcast and video release. I'm the protagonist.
WHERE RIVERS MEET, for theatrical release. I play the skeptical sheriff, a principle character.
HORSE CRAZY, made for the Disney cable. I play the bad guy who masterminds the theft of a million-dollar horse.
TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL. I play a mayor speaking at a wrestler's funeral.
PURE RACE, an independent feature in which I play a neo-Nazi chieftain, who you better hope is the antagonist.
ANCIENT SECRETS OF THE BIBLE, a CBS movie prime-time feature. I play the architect of the Tower of Babel.
SIEGE AT ALTA VIEW, a CBS movie. I'm the leader of the SWAT team.
A TRUCE WITH DEATH. In this Heartland Film Festival winner, I'm the lead.
MY LIFE AS A BABYSITTER. A Disney cable movie, I'm the intimidating dad.
LORENZO'S SONGBOOK, a video series. I'm Lorenzo the coyote, a puppet.
AN EASTER DREAM. In this nationally syndicated film, I'm the apostle John.
GOLD FEVER, an independent short feature. I'm the only human, a cowboy.
THE SECRET OF LOST CREEK, on the Disney cable. I'm the undercover FBI good guy who saves Shannen Doherty's life.
THE WITCHING OF BEN WAGNER, on the Disney cable. I'm a nasty nerd.
SATURDAY'S WARRIOR, big video release. I'm the dad.
IT NEARLY WASN'T CHRISTMAS, a nationally syndicated TV movie, includes four related stories. I star in the climactic story, finally accepting that Charles Durning is Santa Claus.
A MORE PERFECT UNION, perennial PBS feature. I have a frequently featured speaking role.
AMERICA, THE DREAM GOES ON, a nationally syndicated TV special. I'm George Washington.
MAN'S SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS. I play the main role in this internationally distributed video for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
HOW RARE A POSSESSION. Same producer, featured speaking role.
ABOUND IN HOPE, for the church again, for U.S satellite broadcast. I play the husband whose death precipitates the action.
MAKING COOKIES, for the church, as the lead. My first paid role on film. I was amazed that there was food. I thought craft services was lunch. Then we had lunch.
(I've played principal roles in training, motivational, educational, and industrial films for the BBC, PBS, U.S. Air Force, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Southern California Edison, NuSkin, Osco Drug, WordPerfect, America First Credit Union, Skaggs Telecommunications Service, Bonneville International, Powdermoon Productions, Wildwood, Valtek, Candlelight Productions, and numerous others.)
ALEXANDER'S AMAZING ADVENTURES! I play lots of people (and creatures) in this internationally distributed series.
THE ALLABOUT FAMILY, a series for children. I play the dad.
SHARE THE MUSIC, a huge instructional series for Macmillan/McGraw-Hill. I play lots of leads.
WINNERS TOWN, a series for Eagle Systems International, several lead roles.
SCRIPTURE SCOUTS, in which I play several leads, notably a dog. (I'm also counting prophets and deity as leads.)
CHESTER, I LOVE YOU, for Covenant Recordings, a principal role.
BRADBURY 13, for Omni Magazine. I play a supporting role.
I have performed uncounted voice-overs, including numerous entire books, and the Random House Unabridged Dictionary. I'm currently unaffiliated with any agency. To reach me, e-mail